Frequently asked questions

Can I rent a bike on The Greenbelt?

Larry's Cycle Shop in Downtown Kingsport will rent bikes for riders on The Kingsport Greenbelt.

Go to and Click Rentals.

Where do I park and access The Kingsport Greenbelt?

There are many parking areas to access The Greenbelt in Kingsport.

  1. The Exchange Place on Orebank Road
  2. East Stone Commons behind Pet Smart
  3. Reedy Creek Terrace near Starbucks
  4. Brookhaven Drive
  5. Holston Medical Center on West Ravine Street
  6. Holston Valley Drive
  7. Cloud Park / Center Street
  8. Riverfront Park on Netherland Inn Road has several parking areas

Are there restrooms along The Kingsport Greenbelt?

Permanent restrooms are located at Cloud Park and Riverfront Park (open seasonally). Portolets are provided at various locations along the trail.

Whom do I need to contact about The Greenbelt?

You may contact The Kingsport Greenbelt offices by calling Kingsport Parks and Recreation at 423-224-9457

Is there security along The Greenbelt

The Kingsport Police Department perform periodic patrol of The Kingsport Greenbelt.

How do I report an issue on The Greenbelt?

The best way to report any issue in the City of Kingsport is to use the Connect Kingsport mobile app. Kingsport staff monitor this app regularly for support issues within the City. Use this to report down trees, security hazards or other information about the Kingsport Greenbelt.

Want to report something on The Greenbelt?

Use the link below to report any issues on The Greenbelt. Connect Kingsport reports directly to the City of Kingsport.

Use it anytime and anywhere in the city!